About Therapy
What is Therapy?
Therapy which is commonly referred to as Counselling or Psychotherapy, is time set aside each week by you and a therapist to look at the experiences that have brought you to therapy. This may include talking about life events (past and present), feelings, emotions, relationships, ways of thinking and patterns of behaviour. The therapist will do their best to help you to look at your difficulties, and to identify the right course of action for you, either to help you resolve your difficulties or help you find ways of coping*.
*Source BACP
What is the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?
The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) does not make distinctions between these two terms as they both fall under the umbrella that covers a range of talking therapies. However the term counselling is often used to describe short-term work and focuses typically on one particular issue that the individual wants to address, whereas the term psychotherapy is often used to describe open-ended longer term work which allows the individual to explore different issues, including past, present relationships and traumas in depth.
What brings people to therapy?
There are a variety of experiences that may bring individuals to therapy. Some of these include: bereavements, stress, relationship difficulties, addiction, health issues, childhood trauma, low self-esteem and more. Individuals may also attend therapy to gain support with specific mental health conditions such as: depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, personality disorders and more. Whatever the reason the impetus for therapy is as unique and diverse as the individuals who seek it, but typically people come to therapy to find assistance they haven’t found in other areas of their life.
Is there a counsellor or psychotherapist for my specific situation?
Therapists practice in all walks of life and all parts of society, helping people in a range of settings from NHS clinics, community centres to the business workplace. Therapists are trained to deal with a diverse range of situations including helping people to cope with: general life difficulties, mental health disorders, relationship difficulties, educational dilemmas, sexual and racial issues, child abuse and trauma as well as personal problem solving.
How will therapy help?
Counselling and Psychotherapy provides support for anyone who’s going through a difficult time or who has emotional problems they feel they can’t resolve on their own. Sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone independent than to relatives or friends. During therapy the therapist will provide you with a safe space to talk, cry, shout or just think without being judged. It’s an opportunity to look at your problems in a different way with someone who’ll respect and encourage your views, opinions and decisions. The primary aim of counselling and psychotherapy is to support individuals in gaining a better understanding of themselves and their experiences, which will enable them to locate their inner resources to solve their own problems and thus find more satisfying ways of living their lives

About Me
My name is Samantha Pierre-Joseph and I am a qualified counsellor and psychotherapist. I am registered member of the BACP and practice within accordance to their ethical principles and guidelines. I currently provide individual, face to face, skype, telephone and home visit therapy sessions in and around the surrounding areas of Hornsey and Wood Green in North London.
My Approach
My therapeutic orientation is humanistic integrative, which considers the whole person – mind, body and spirit. The approach places great emphasis on valuing individual differences, thus I draw upon a range of creative theories and approaches; humanistic, existential, psychodynamic, transpersonal and cognitive behavioural, to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of my clients’ internal world and their experiences which enables me to tailor my therapeutic approach specifically to each individual client’s needs.
I first began my study of Psychology and Counselling at London’s Middlesex University, obtaining a 1st Class honours degree and award for the most outstanding research project on: Childhood attachment styles and their influence on later romantic relationship choices. Following this I completed a three year post graduate training programme to become a qualified therapist at CPPD counselling school in North London, obtaining a post graduate advanced diploma in humanistic integrative therapy.
I currently practice psychological therapy in a variety of settings:
One in Four – A charitable organisation dedicated to providing support to those affected by childhood sexual abuse.
NHS Primary Service – Providing short term counselling interventions for those experiencing depression and anxiety.
Private Practice – Providing private short term and long term counselling and psychotherapy to individuals in and around the surrounding areas of Wood Green and Hornsey in North London.
I have also gained extensive previous experience working with: Haringey Mind, Westminster Drug Project, Pyramid Health and Social Care and OCD Action.
Areas of therapy I work with:
- Personal Development
- Depression
- Stress & Anger Management
- Low Self-Esteem/Self-Confidence
- Relationship Difficulties
- Bereavement & Loss
- Eating Disorders
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Bipolar Disorder/Manic Depression
- Anxiety & Phobias
- Pregnancy
- Termination/Abortion
- Postnatal Depression
- Work & Career Issues
- Sexuality
- Psychosexual Issues
Special areas of interest:
- Addictions
- Co-dependency
- Friends and family members affected by another’s substance misuse
- Childhood sexual abuse
- Sexual & Domestic violence
- Trauma
- Personality disorders
- Parenting
Does therapy work for everybody?
Therapy is not a universal cure all, as there is much diversity of culture, temperament, life style, economics, personal motivation, and personality, for any universal truth about therapy to fit all. However for those open to the idea of therapy there are many benefits; professional support whilst working through difficult experiences, improved understanding of self, having a consistent safe space to verbalise your emotions and feelings and much more which all can have positive impact on your life in the long run.
How will therapy make me feel?
Therapy is a very personal and unique process which is experienced differently by each individual thus how it will make you feel depends on your own individual circumstances. You may feel an immediate sense of relief when you begin therapy, maybe because you are being listened to for the first time, or because you have been struggling for a long time. However, you may feel more anxious or distressed when you start, because you have to pay attention to difficult feelings that, in some way, you would prefer to ignore. In this situation, you may feel worse before you start to feel better. However, in the long run therapy should enable you to cope better and therefore feel better.
What happens in the first session?
The first session will be an assessment session which will last for up to an hour. I will ask you a series of questions to gain an understanding of what has brought you to therapy and what you hope to gain from it. You will also have an opportunity to ask me any questions you may also have. There is no obligation after the first session, but it will provide the opportunity for you to ask any questions about the process of therapy or my way of working, and decide if I am the right therapist for you.
How long do the sessions last?
Each individual therapy session will last for a total of 50 minutes each week. It is important for you to ensure you arrive on time to get the most out of your therapy, as sessions are not extended to accommodate late arrival.
How much therapy will I need?
Therapy can be offered on a short or long term basis. The number of sessions depends on what your individual needs are and what you are hoping to gain from therapy. This is something we will discuss and work out together based on our initial consultation, and will be continually assessed throughout the therapeutic process.
How will I know if you’re the right therapist for me?
An initial consultation with me is the best way for you to get a good idea of whether you feel I am the right therapist for you. At our first meeting you should keep some of these questions in mind:
How easy is it to talk to her?
Do I feel comfortable with her?
Does she seem like somebody I can trust?
Can I share my deepest thoughts with her?
Is she really listening to me?
Does she seem to know what she is doing?
Does she seem confident and competent in her approach?
Does she seem to have the capacity to handle me?
And most importantly do I like her?
Is therapy confidential?
All information is confidential between therapist and client and all members of the BACP adhere to the Ethical Framework for Good Practice. However, if it is believed that you may harm yourself or others, or that a child is at risk outside agencies may be informed, but wherever possible, this would not be done without fully discussing with you first. If you disclose information about certain criminal or terrorist offences, then there is a professional and legal obligation to inform outside agencies without informing you first.
How much will sessions cost?
My fee for initial consultations is £50*
Face to face sessions, Mon- Fri are priced at £50 per session.
Skype/telephone sessions, Mon-Fri are payable at £40 per session.
Home visit sessions, Mon-Fri are payable at £70 per session.
All face to face, skype/telephone weekend sessions are charged at a higher rate of £70 per session, and home visits £100 per session.
I offer a limited number of low cost sessions for those who are in receipt of benefits or earn under £16,000 annually.
Sessions are payable at the end of each session by cash or prior to sessions via bank transfer**.
*weekend rates apply
*Please note that session cancellations with less than 72 hours’ notice will be charged at the full fee.
What is your availability?
My working hours are:
Monday – Friday – 9am to 8pm
Saturday – 10am-1pm*
Sunday – 12pm-2pm*
*Please note that weekend sessions are charged at a higher rate.
How can I make an enquiry or book an appointment?
To make an enquiry or book an appointment you can use the ‘contact me’ page below, email me directly at info@northlondonintegrativecounselling.co.uk or alternatively you can call me on 07443892500. All enquiries and appointment requests will be responded to within 1 working day.
“Being in therapy for the last year has been really good experience. When I came to therapy I didn’t know what to expect I just knew that I was really unhappy in my life. Having regular sessions every week with Sam has allowed me to understand the root causes of my unhappiness and be compassionate to myself. I never really expected therapy to help me in the way it has, I just remember needing someone to talk to at the time, but I’m glad I took the chance as it has paid off and I now feel so much better within myself and about myself”– Katy*
“Therapy has been extremely helpful to me. I feel more grounded, whole and actually happier than I have ever felt. It didn’t happen overnight but I have felt a deep shift in my way of being”– Simon*
“I came to therapy 50 days clean determined to stop my cycle of substance using. Today I am 18 months clean and proud of myself, but the road hasn’t been easy. Working with Sam has made me realise the importance of taking responsibly for my thoughts, feelings and behaviours, which has been challenging but exactly what I needed to get me to where I am now. I still have a lot of work to do but at least I’m on my way and clean!”– Anthony*
“I have never before understood myself so well and had such progress in developing my self-awareness and mental wellbeing. Sam is like no other counsellor I’ve ever met. She is a really skilled counsellor who I would highly recommend over and over again”– Rachel*
“In that room with Sam I feel safe, accepted and understood whatever I say and whatever my struggles. I don’t feel judged. Being allowed to just be me has meant a lot to me”– Sean*
“After years of various bouts of short term counselling I finally made the big step to go into private counselling. My experience so far has been amazing, scary, thought provoking, painful, joyful, and uncomfortable, but I know it is just what I need to see my life from a different perspective, looking inwards rather than outwards for all my answers, and now I’m in a place where I know I can trust myself to handle my experiences and not fall down. Therapy has been an eye opening experience” – Jackie*
* All names have been changed to maintain client confidentiality

Useful Links
Alcoholics Anonymous – AA provides group support to anyone who has the desire to or is recovering from alcoholism. www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk
Al-Anon Family Groups – Al-Anon provide group support to anyone whose life is, or has been, affected by someone else’s drinking. www.al-anonuk.org.uk
Barnet, Enfield & Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust – Provide integrated mental health and community health services for people of all ages. www.beh-mht.nhs.uk
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy – BACP is a professional body representing counselling and psychotherapy which aims to provide a better standard of therapeutic practice. www.bacp.co.uk
Co-Dependents Anonymous – CoDA provides support to anyone who has a common interest in working through the problems that co-dependency has caused in their lives. www.coda-uk.org
CPPD UK (Ltd) – One of the UK’s leading humanistic integrative training schools in London offering BACP accredited counselling courses. www.cppdlondon.com
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies – IAPT is an NHS programme in England offering interventions for the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. www.iapt.nhs.uk
Mind – Leading mental health charity in England and Wales that provides advice and support anyone experiencing a mental health problem. www.mind.org.uk
Narcotics Anonymous – NA provides group support to anyone who has the desire to or is recovering from substance abuse. www.ukna.org
Netmums – An organisation offering expert parenting advice and friendly support.
One in Four – An organisation committed to providing emotional and practical support to those who have experienced childhood sexual abuse. www.oneinfour.org.uk
Samaritans – An organisation that provides 24 hour confidential emotional support to individuals in need of someone to talk to. www.samaritans.org
Westminster Drug Project – WDP is a drug and alcohol charity committed to helping those who are affected by substance misuse. www.wdp.org.uk
Women’s Solace Aid – A charity that supports and empowers women and children affected by sexual and domestic violence. www.solacewomensaid.org